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The Slavery Business


Two-part docu-drama for the BBC.
Filmed in Jamaica and the UK.


Production design by Richard Watson and Paul Galloway.

We loved Jamaica. The biscuits kept melting, but we loved it. 

Bottom Knocker Street


Children’s series for ITV / CiTV, 52 x 10 minute episodes aimed at 6 – 12 year olds.

Created and Designed by Paul Galloway and Richard Watson.


Launched in September 2013.


Does not contain Bottoms, Knockers or even Streets. No children were harmed in the filming of this production. Phill Jupitus caught his fingers in a door, but he's not litigious, so it all worked out fine.

Maynards Discovery Patch


30” TV commercial for Aardman Animation Ltd. Stop frame animation set.
Set design, art direction and build by Paul Galloway. Filmed at Aardman studio Bristol.


That sofa looks full-size, doesn't it? Well, it isn't. It's a model. Smoke and mirrors, that's what we do! We were under the impression that we would be paid in Maynards fruit gums. Unfortunately, we were paid in a combination of biscuits and sterling.

Whirlwind Picture Gallery Smorgasboard


A little bit of this, a little bit of that. Oooh, look, some Pirates, and is that a Robot? Blimey! How did they do that? These guys are AMAZING. I wonder where those biscuits went?

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